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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Re-Discover the Great Hobby Known As Photography

Photography as a hobby used to be a dedicated person's hobby. There were so many factors involved that meant to capture the really worthwhile shots would involve spending an absolute fortune on batteries for flash guns etc, as well as the films, development and enlargements should you require them.

To get a decent shot of an instant event meant having the camera fully operational and ready to go in an instant at any time. This was neither practical nor easy to manage. Nine times out of ten the event could happen or be taking place and the camera picked up raised for the shot, only to find that the flash batteries had gone dead or that the film inside did not have enough pictures left on it or worse it had expired (out of date) or even gone off.

The stresses that were involved in photography were enough to put anybody off, so it was mainly a professional past time or instamatics that were used for the family events such as Christmas and Holidays.

With the aid of technology things have certainly moved forward from those days. So much so that photography in this day and age is a real joy. Today's DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras can perform some amazing feats as well as deliver the user professional quality photographs every time.

Most come with a viewing screen on the back that can be used for real time viewing or review of the photograph just taken. The flash tends to be an integral part of the camera as opposed to a separate item that needs to be fitted every time.

With a re-chargeable battery pack the costs for extensive use have been radically reduced, but the real saving comes from the memory cards that simply slot straight into the camera and depending on memory can size can offer anything up to 1600 pictures per memory card, so the need for more than one is rare.

Most also come with interchangeable lenses with great zoom and auto focus. What could possibly be better and of course easier. Now to take a decent shot of an instant event means simply picking up the camera pointing and shoot... The camera does the rest and your left with an amazing result.

In today's market the value certainly reflects the quality and it certainly pays to buy a decent DSLR Camera as the additional expense will be minimal, unlike the older cameras which constantly required new batteries ,film and of course development.

Modern day DSLR Cameras simply require the facility to either plug straight into the computer or in some cases the printer itself. What could be any easier or more straightforward.

Modern day photography is light-years ahead of what it used to be, making it fun, interesting and a good hobby or past-time to enjoy alone or with others in groups or associations.

There are a wide selection of DSLR Digital Cameras to choose from, but only a few that are worthwhile when it comes to the DSLR Camera Range. Other digital cameras simply don't offer the benefits or flexibility that can be gained from owning a Digital Camera.

Kind Regards

Clive Anderson

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