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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Digital Cameras - Should You Go With One?

If you considering buying a camera, the first question you will face is whether to go digital or not. Cameras have undergone a massive evolution over the last ten years and digital is now really the most popular platform in the field.

Why go digital? Well, the modern digital camera is an exercise is convenience and quality. These cameras are point and shoot affairs. This would usually mean they are easy to use, but produce pictures that look like...well, not so hot when it comes to their clarity and sharpness. This isn't the case with most digital cameras. The quality of the photographs is top notch and, if it isn't, there are ways to fix it which leads us to our next point.

The huge advantage to digital cameras is...they are digital! This means no developing and printing. You can simply use memory cards or usb cords to download the images to a computer. You can then use software to edit out blemishes and then just post them online if you like for family and friends to see at their leisure. To get a taste of how popular doing this is, just take a gander of Flickr.

Ah, but what if you prefer traditional photography. You enjoy the framing of the picture or want to shoot unique exposure rates and the like? Well, no worries. The DSLR camera is you choice. This product is a single lens camera like you are used to losing, but with a digital image capture system. I personally prefer these cameras. You get the unique, personal touch of taking the picture, but the easy of a traditional camera in that you can just download the images to your computer. If you love photography, you'll fall in love with DSLR cameras pretty quick.

Should you go with a digital option when making your next camera purchase? I would recommend it.

Thomas Ajava writes about cheap digital underwater cameras [] and other subjects related to photography and digital cameras for [].

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