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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Digital Photography - Using Advanced Photograph Settings on a DSLR Digital Camera

Having gone to the lengths of choosing and buying a digital camera that suits your requirements it is always great fun to start taking advantage of the fully automatic functions that can be found with pretty much every DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera. Taking pictures on automatic certainly produces really great results and for someone that might not have even used this type of camera before they will find it purely amazing. But that is just the beginning once you start to discover and learn what else your great little camera can do it opens up another whole new wonderful world...

The many advanced settings and features found on a DSLR digital camera tend to be the same across the board, which means that most cameras should have them in one form or another it is just a question of understandings your models terminology in order to use them.

A majority of cameras tend to have a mode dial which usually has some little images such as a Flower for close-up photography, a Face for portraits, Mountains for landscapes and wide angle, a Sportsperson for those sporting events (this generally puts the camera into a continual picture taking mode), a Lunar effect for night time use all of which can be pretty self explanatory.

The rest of the details on this mode dial are normally the letters P, A, S, M, and AUTO, which require a little more investigation.

P is used for still maintaining some of the automatic features such as the focusing, but allows you to set other parameters of the camera yourself that are held in the memory until you change them.
A is used for controlling aperture priority which blurs foreground and background in close pictures and gives a better depth of field for distance and landscape shots.
S is used for photographing moving objects of various expressions working with shutter speed priority.
M is used for mainly manual exposure where you would adjust both the speed and aperture settings of your camera.
AUTO is pretty much self explanatory and one setting that most people tend to use first and foremost when initially obtaining a DSLR digital camera.

Some of the above may sound fairly complicated, but the more that you use your camera the more you will come to understand and want to have control over these settings in certain situations. With all of the above modes is additional information for applying them correctly with each camera. To ensure that the correct settings are applied the user manual should always be referred to.

Photography is not just a great hobby and interest that people can enjoy and share with each other, it can be seriously relaxing and in some cases therapeutic. Expressing the many aspects of some great photography is

A blog that allows visitors to explore the many boundaries and wonders of modern day photography with some amazing photographs and links for added enjoyment. So whether you are a professional or a complete novice to photography make your way over to and be truly inspired.

Clive Anderson

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